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Starbeam is Universal Reactivity

Starbeam is a library that allows you to write reactive code in a framework agnostic way. This means that you can write your code once, and use it with any framework that has a Starbeam renderer.

At the moment, Starbeam has renderers for React and Preact. We've also built a proof of concept renderer for Svelte and we're working on a Vue renderer.

What is Universal Reactivity?

Starbeam is a universal reactivity system. If you're familiar with React hooks, you can think of Starbeam as a way of writing universal hooks.

Unlike a lot of other reactivity libraries, Starbeam's reactivity system goes beyond reactive data.

Starbeam provides four universal building blocks:

  • Reactive data: simple values, computed values, and reactive versions of JavaScript's built-in data structures (added in 0.5).
  • Reactive resources: reactive values with lifecycle. You can use these to create reactive data sources, like a WebSocket connection or a fetch request (added in 0.6).
  • Reactive services: reactive application state. Services are resources that are set up once per app instance, and cleaned up when the application root is unmounted. You can use these to create reactive data sources that are shared across components without relying on module-level state and mocking (added in 0.8).
  • Reactive modifiers: reactive DOM modifiers. You can use these to define DOM behavior that is based on reactive data, and whose setup and cleanup behavior is tied to an element in the DOM (prototyped in the repo, coming in 0.10).

When you write code using these universal building blocks, you use the Starbeam libraries and don't reference any specific framework.

Starbeam is expressive enough to allow you to write code that builds on powerful framework features such as React's concurrent APIs and Preact's signals, but you don't need to know about the details of these features to use them.

When we say that Starbeam is a universal reactivity framework, we don't mean that Starbeam is a lowest-common-denominator library.

Instead, we jump through hoops to find streamlined APIs that are expressive enough to take advantage of advanced framework features and ergonomic enough to use in any framework environment so you don't have to.

What is Starbeam Reactivity?

Since Starbeam reactivity is designed to feel like normal programming, let's start with a non-reactive JavaScript program. Once we've seen how a non-reactive program works, we'll see how to make it reactive using Starbeam.

Inputs and Outputs

Let's start with a simple definition of a program: "A program is a function that takes some inputs and produces some outputs."

  • Inputs: data that the program uses to do its work.
  • Outputs: the data that the program produces.

For example, a program that takes a list of people objects and produces a list of contact cards might look like this:

export function display(person) {
return `
<div class="contact">
function displayPhone(phone) {
return `
<span class="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span class="number">${phone.number}</span>
export function display(person) {
return `
<div class="contact">
function displayPhone(phone) {
return `
<span class="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span class="number">${phone.number}</span>
export function display(person: Person): string {
return `
<div class="contact">
function displayPhone(phone: Phone): string {
return `
<span class="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span class="number">${phone.number}</span>
interface Person {
name: string;
location: string;
contact: Phone[];
interface Phone {
type: string;
number: string;
export function display(person: Person): string {
return `
<div class="contact">
function displayPhone(phone: Phone): string {
return `
<span class="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span class="number">${phone.number}</span>
interface Person {
name: string;
location: string;
contact: Phone[];
interface Phone {
type: string;
number: string;

Functional Programming

This kind of programming, which is focused on inputs and outputs, is usually called functional programming.

The excellent How to Design Programs textbook, which teaches functional programming using the Racket programming language to an introductory audience, describes a program this way:

Hence any reasonably complete program consists of many building blocks: some deal with input, some create output, while some bridge the gap between those two.

If we ran the display function with the following person:

name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },

We'd get the following output:

<div class="contact">
<h1>John Doe</h1>
<h2>New York</h2>
<div class="contact">
<h1>John Doe</h1>
<h2>New York</h2>

If we ran the display function again with a person with an extra phone number:

name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" },
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" },

We'd get:

<div class="contact">
<h1>John Doe</h1>
<h2>New York</h2>
+ <li>555-9012</li>
<div class="contact">
<h1>John Doe</h1>
<h2>New York</h2>
+ <li>555-9012</li>

We can call this kind of programming, where the inputs and outputs are clearly defined, data oriented programming.

We can visualize this kind of program as a data flow diagram:

To create the contact card, the display function reads the person's name, location, and phone numbers. It then calls the displayPhone function to display each phone number.

This kind of data-oriented programming is easy to understand. The output of the program is computed by reading from inputs or calling functions that ultimately read from inputs.

The Problem With State

But what happens if our inputs change over time? Our data-oriented program won't work anymore, because the output becomes stale when the inputs change, but the structure of our program doesn't have any way to update the output in response to the changes.

For example, if we add a phone number to the person, it's obvious that the HTML won't magically update in response.

const person = {
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
document.body.innerHTML = display(person);{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" });
const person = {
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
document.body.innerHTML = display(person);{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" });

This happens because the person we created isn't an input to our display function, but rather a piece of state that can change over time.


Adding state to a program with inputs and outputs complicates things, because now we have to worry about updating our outputs when our state changes. This is much more complicated than the simple input/output model we started with, but real programs need to be able to change over time. Real programs have state.

The thing we liked about our input/output model was that it was easy to understand. We could see exactly what our program would output for a given set of inputs. But it only worked if the inputs didn't change. And real programs need to represent changes over time.

We can obviously update the output manually in response to changes in our state. Let's take a look at what we'd need to do.

const person = {
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
+ // 1. Our _output_ is the innerHTML of the body. Its _input_
+ // is the person object.
document.body.innerHTML = display(person);
+ // 2. We are updating the person object{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" });
+ // 3. So now, we need to update the body's innerHTML
+ document.body.innerHTML = display(person);
const person = {
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
+ // 1. Our _output_ is the innerHTML of the body. Its _input_
+ // is the person object.
document.body.innerHTML = display(person);
+ // 2. We are updating the person object{ type: "sms", number: "555-9012" });
+ // 3. So now, we need to update the body's innerHTML
+ document.body.innerHTML = display(person);

To fix our program, we need to think about it in terms of state:

  1. When we originally outputted the contact card to the DOM, we needed to notice that the code that updated the DOM depends on the person object, which can change.
  2. Whenever we update the person object, we need to run the code that updates the DOM again.

This is a lot of work! We need to manually track which parts of our program depend on which parts of our state, and we need to manually run the code that updates the DOM whenever the state changes.

Not only is it a lot of work, it's easy to get wrong.

If we forget to update the DOM when the state changes, our program will be wrong. If we forget to notice that the DOM update code depends on the state, our program will be wrong. And if the display function starts depending on more state, we have to change all of the code that updates the new state to also update the DOM. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

You can see how this is already much more complicated than our simple data-oriented model from earlier. And it's only going to get worse as our program gets more complicated.

Starbeam Reactivity to the Rescue

Starbeam reactivity is a way to write data-oriented programs that automatically update their outputs.

Deep Dive Compared to Web Frameworks

In the modern era, web frameworks like React, Vue and Svelte have solved this problem by providing a way to use framework-specific reactive values in a template or JSX.

Starbeam reactivity differs from these solutions in several ways.

  • Starbeam reactivity is universal. It doesn't replace your JavaScript framework. It works with your framework (or frameworks) of choice.
  • Starbeam reactivity is

To convert our program into a reactive program, the first thing we need to do is to convert our data structures into reactive data structures.

import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { DEBUG_RENDERER } from "@starbeam/universal";
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { DEBUG_RENDERER } from "@starbeam/universal";
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },

Critically, we didn't need to change the display function at all. It still takes a person object as an input and produces HTML as an output.

Reactive Outputs

Reactive inputs are data structures that behave like normal JavaScript values that know when they've changed.

But how do we make something happen when a reactive input changes?

The answer is reactive outputs. A reactive output represents something stable (like a DOM node) that stays up to date with the return value of a function that reads reactive inputs.

The cool thing about adding reactive outputs to our program is that they don't change the data flow that we saw way back when we were talking about data-oriented programming.

A reactive output is responsible for a piece of the "real world" that it will keep up to date with the reactive value that it represents. In web applications, this is usually a DOM node, but it could also be a file on disk, a row in a database, or a value in a spreadsheet.

Rendering Reactive Values

So how does it actually work?

To keep things simple, we're going to use the debug renderer, which is a very simple renderer that calls a callback with the value of the reactive value whenever it changes.

function renderPerson(person, into) {
render: () => display(person),
debug: (html) => {
into.innerHTML = html;
function renderPerson(person, into) {
render: () => display(person),
debug: (html) => {
into.innerHTML = html;
function renderPerson(
person: Person,
into: HTMLElement,
): void {
render: () => display(person),
debug: (html) => {
into.innerHTML = html;
function renderPerson(
person: Person,
into: HTMLElement,
): void {
render: () => display(person),
debug: (html) => {
into.innerHTML = html;

The renderPerson function takes a person object and an HTML element, and renders the HTML representation of the person into the element whenever the person updates.

To get this working, all we needed to do was convert our person object into a reactive object, use the same functions we used before to convert the person object into HTML, and then use the debug renderer to render the HTML into the element and keep it up to date.

Unlike the manual state example above, we didn't need to:

  • Manually track which parts of our program depend on which parts of our state.
  • Manually run the code that updates the DOM whenever the state changes.

And unlike many other reactive libraries, we didn't need to change our program to use a special syntax or API to pipe reactive values through computations. We just used the same input/output functions we used when the person object wasn't reactive and we were living in a functional world of unchanging inputs and outputs.

Deep Dive Not "Effects"

Unlike a lot of other reactive programming libraries, Starbeam reactivity uses the term "rendered output" instead of "effect". This is because Starbeam reactivity emphasizes the data-oriented nature of reactivity.

While it's true that you can think of updating a DOM node in response to a change as an "effect", it's a lot clearer to think of the whole app as a function that takes the current state and produces a rendered output. Through this lens, the DOM update "effect" is just an implementation detail of the way that the output is produced.

Framework Renderers

The debug renderer is a great way to understand Starbeam reactivity, but in practice, you'd normally use a framework renderer like the Starbeam React renderer or the Starbeam Preact renderer.

This example uses innerHTML for simplicity, but the same basic principles apply to any framework.

For example, when using the Starbeam React renderer, you'd render the person object into a JSX element. React would take the JSX element and render it into a DOM node, and the Starbeam renderer would notify React whenever the person object changed.

import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { useReactive } from "@starbeam/react";
// this is what we did before
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
export function PersonComponent({ person }) {
// In React, the `useReactive` hook is what makes a
// React component a Starbeam renderer.
return useReactive(() => (
<div className="contact">
{ => (
<Phone phone={p} />
function Phone({ phone }) {
return useReactive(() => (
<span className="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span className="number">${phone.number}</span>
import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { useReactive } from "@starbeam/react";
// this is what we did before
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
export function PersonComponent({ person }) {
// In React, the `useReactive` hook is what makes a
// React component a Starbeam renderer.
return useReactive(() => (
<div className="contact">
{ => (
<Phone phone={p} />
function Phone({ phone }) {
return useReactive(() => (
<span className="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span className="number">${phone.number}</span>
import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { useReactive } from "@starbeam/react";
// this is what we did before
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
export function PersonComponent({
}: {
person: Person;
}) {
// In React, the `useReactive` hook is what makes a
// React component a Starbeam renderer.
return useReactive(() => (
<div className="contact">
{ => (
<Phone phone={p} />
function Phone({ phone }: { phone: Phone }) {
return useReactive(() => (
<span className="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span className="number">${phone.number}</span>
import { reactive } from "@starbeam/js";
import { useReactive } from "@starbeam/react";
// this is what we did before
const person = reactive.object({
name: "John Doe",
location: "New York",
contact: [
{ type: "home", number: "555-1234" },
{ type: "work", number: "555-5678" },
export function PersonComponent({
}: {
person: Person;
}) {
// In React, the `useReactive` hook is what makes a
// React component a Starbeam renderer.
return useReactive(() => (
<div className="contact">
{ => (
<Phone phone={p} />
function Phone({ phone }: { phone: Phone }) {
return useReactive(() => (
<span className="type">${phone.type}</span>
<span className="number">${phone.number}</span>

To get an idea for how Starbeam reactivity works in your framework, check out the "Frameworks" tab in the navigation above.

There's So Much More to Explore

This is just a taste of what Starbeam reactivity can do. There's so much more to explore, including:

  • Reactive Arrays, which let you use the same techniques to handle lists of reactive values, and have the same API as normal JavaScript arrays. (@starbeam/js also includes reactive versions of Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet, all of which have the same API as their normal JavaScript counterparts.)
  • Resources, which enhance reactive values with setup and cleanup logic, while still letting you use the simple input/output model on the data they produce.
  • Formulas, which let you optimize your program by caching the results of expensive computations until the reactive values they depend on change.

And even more!

  • ResourceList, which lets you map a reactive array of values into a (keyed) array of resources. Whenever a value is added or removed from the array, the corresponding resource is setup or cleaned up.
  • FormulaList, which lets you map a reactive array of values into a keyed array of formulas. Whenever a value is added or removed from the array, the corresponding formula is added or removed from the cache.

Key Takeaways

  • Starbeam reactivity is a way to write programs as if they behaved like simple input/output functions, but can also handle state changes for us automatically.
  • Starbeam reactivity is a property of the data structures you use. You don't need to change your functions to pipe reactive values through computations. You just use normal functions that take inputs and produce outputs.
  • Starbeam reactivity is universal. It doesn't replace your JavaScript framework. It works with your framework (or frameworks) of choice.

Released under the MIT license